car insurance?

How to find cheap car insurance?


Tips for Your car insurance represents on average more than 500 € per year! Over the lifetime of your vehicle, these are therefore several thousand euros in expenses! Do you want to know all the recipes to find the cheap car insurance adapted to your needs? Discover the methods we use to help you save money!

8 key tips for finding cheap car insurance

1. Choose the formula adapted to your situation and your expectations by comparing them

Many individuals choose auto insurance based on coverage . They assume that you can never be too covered in the event of an accident. Of course, it is natural to think of the security that maximum coverage brings. However, this entails an additional budget that must be assessed.

It is clear that there is a very significant difference in annual premium between the different formulas . To find cheap car insurance, you must therefore compare the formulas and make sure that the most expensive formulas are really justified. To do this, you could, for example, use an online car insurance comparator .

If your vehicle is old, more than 5 years old, there is no need to insure it against all risks. In the event of an accident, the insurance company will consider that the vehicle does not deserve to be repaired and you will receive a small sum.

2. Reduce coverage by limiting warranties

If you drive little, your car is small, you live in the countryside or you are the only driver, the risk of an accident is reduced accordingly. It is then desirable to take fewer options in your insurance contract, the prices of which are ultimately quite high.

Very often, individuals are unaware of the options contained in their auto insurance contracts and thus pay unnecessary guarantees . It is an important rule to find cheap car insurance, examine the different options with a magnifying glass.

3. Increase deductibles

The price of car insurance, like that of all insurance, is determined statistically. Insurers assess the amount of the premium based on the reimbursements they may be required to make. Thus, the amount of deductibles has a significant impact on the amount of your premium.

On your side, the risk of accident is low and the amount of the deductible will probably not apply. On the other hand, the reduction in the insurance premium constitutes a guaranteed saving from which you benefit immediately. This is a really effective way to save on car insurance  !

4. Change vehicle

All individuals are attached to their car and that’s a good thing. ! They appreciate the brand, the model, the vehicle they have chosen carefully. The car is often used daily and is therefore a popular living space. However, the price of car insurance is very rarely taken into account in the choice of car.

Indeed, you do not necessarily have in mind the impact of the model, the engine, the fiscal horsepower on the amount of the premium . However, all these factors come into play! By changing vehicles, you will be able to find cheaper car insurance. It is a trade-off that has to be made.

Whether it’s when renewing an insurance policy or when buying a vehicle, age plays a very important role. in the amount of the insurance premium. Indeed, new or recent vehicles (less than 5 years old) are subject to a significant insurance premium. Similarly, the older the vehicle, the less justified it is to take an all-risk option.

This is all the more applicable to young drivers and drivers who have not been insured for a few years. An old vehicle will reduce the amount of the additional insurance premium linked to these two situations. This will make it easier for you to choose cheap car insurance .

5. Manage your claims

As you know, two very important questions asked by all insurance companies concern your level of bonus-malus in your current insurance company and the number of claims declared during the last two years. This information plays an absolutely key role in the amount of the insurance premium that will be offered to you, and therefore in your ability to find cheap car insurance!

This is why you must carefully manage the declaration of your claims. In some cases, the declaration of a claim for a small amount will significantly impact the amount of your insurance premium for at least three years. Thus, the amount of additional premium to be paid will be much higher than the amount of reimbursement that you will have obtained.

If the number of claims declared in your current insurance becomes too high, it may be wise to change it without delay. Thus, you avoid taking the possible risk of being terminated by the insurance company itself! As discussed below, a terminated driver may have great difficulty finding a new insurer.

6. Watch your insurance renewal date

Your bonus-malus is calculated annually on the anniversary date of your insurance contract. Thus, a full year without claims will only have an effect on your personal situation after this anniversary date. It is therefore sometimes wise to wait a week or two before asking for insurance quotes to consider changing insurance companies.

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